The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program is an exciting new initiative designed to reduce the number of youth experiencing homelessness. Funded by HUD, YHDP is designed to bring community partners together to make system-wide changes with the focus of ending youth homelessness. In Central Texas, the Heart of Texas Region MHMR, The Cove, and the Family Abuse Center have partnered together to launch six projects focused on serving youth and young adults in their journey to self-sufficiency, guided by the local coordinated community plan to end youth homelessness, Homeless to Hopeful: Solutions for Youth in the Heart of Texas.
Heart of Texas YHDP Vision
The Heart of Texas community’s goal is for every youth and young adult in the region to be housed in safe, secure, and stable environments. We envision a youth-driven network of coordinated services that are readily accessible, trauma-informed, sustainable, and offer holistic care to ensure that any occurrence of youth homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. All services will respect and affirm the variety of cultures, identities and abilities of youth and young adults in the Heart of Texas. We commit to celebrating our greatest asset, youth participants, by placing their voices and expertise at the forefront of every action that we take.
Heart of Texas YHDP Funded Agencies and Service Area
The Cove
Family Abuse Center
Heart of Texas Region MHMR – YHDP Lead Agency
Heart of Texas YHDP partners serve within the Central Texas region in Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone, and McLennan Counties.
YHDP Toolbox
For more information about the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, the Heart of Texas YHDP projects, and resources and tools to help in preventing and ending youth and young adult homelessness, visit our YHDP Toolbox.
Youth Action Board
For more information about our local Youth Action Board, a group of youth collaborators who bring their lived experience to help shape our YHDP, visit our YAB page.
For more information about the Heart of Texas Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, email us and visit us on Facebook.